Bayer, Christopher
Name of Therapist:
Christopher Bayer, Ph.D.

Dr. Christopher Bayer has practiced as a professional New York City-based psychologist and psychoanalyst since the early 1980s, specializing in the treatment of executives in the banking and securities industries, as well as their families.

Receiving his Master’s degree in Experimental Psychology (1971) and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (1975) from the University of Manitoba’s (Canada) APA-Approved program, Dr. Bayer was awarded a Certificate of Specialization in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis from the NYU Postdoctoral Psychology Program in 1982. At Manitoba, Dr. Bayer won the Vineberg Research Prize.

Dr. Bayer has authored dozens of articles and presentations, and written on topics in psychology, particularly in the area of financial psychology and money intelligence. A soul doctor to Wall Streeters, he has spent decades mending the malaise of the moneyed set.

He has been the driving force behind, known as The Social Network for Investor Empowerment.

The Shareholder Activist has the distinction of being cited on the Blogroll of the Harvard Law School Forum for Corporate Governance and Financial Responsibility.

He is the founder of, where, as an expert consultant to lawyers and accountants, he builds models of behavior for use in criminal matters and IRS offer-in-compromise cases geared to tax penalty abatement.

Dr. Bayer is also the creator of a highly lauded financial-literacy program for high school students, MoneyMind101, launched at the Dalton School, and has since been presented at a number of NYC schools and institutes.

Primary Office Location:

455 E 86 Street, #4C
New York, NY 10028

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