Name of Therapist:
Barry Cohen, Ph.D.
I am a Licensed Psychologist and Psychoanalyst practicing in Teaneck, New Jersey, as well as in New York City. I view the therapy process as a collaboration or partnership, where the two of us are working together toward a full understanding of your problems. I believe that with a greater understanding, you will have more freedom of choice to be how you want to be, and who you want to be. In order to accomplish this task, we will need to understand your personal strengths as well as the difficulties and problems you have encountered. Therapy can provide you with extra support and guidance while you negotiate difficult challenges in your life, as well as help you make changes in your relationships and in the way you feel.
Primary Office Location:
416 Cedar Lane
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Secondary Office Location:
140 Riverside Drive,
Suite 1N
New York, NY 10024
Secondary Office Phone:
Name of Therapist:
Allan Eisenberg, Ph.D.
Specialty Areas:
Anxiety, Depression, Parenting Issues, Peer & Relationship Issues
Additional Services Offered:
Sessions Conducted:
Offering both In-person or virtual sessions
As a psychodynamic therapist, I am committed to the idea that increased knowledge and understanding of oneself is the best path towards enhanced self-regard and enriched relations with others. Over many years of work with adults, adolescents, and parents I have come to appreciate the power of thoughtful conversation to bring to light hitherto unformulated thoughts and feelings that affect us in our daily lives. When implicit or latent feelings become clear and explicit, new possibilities for change invariably emerge. This is the work of psychotherapy.
Primary Office Location:
51 South St
Morristown, NJ 07960
Secondary Office Location:
434 Henry St.
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Secondary Office Phone:
Client Focus:
Ages Groups Served:
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elders (65+)
Name of Therapist:
Susan Herman, Ph.D.
Specialty Areas:
Depression, Anxiety, Sexual Abuse, Transgender
Additional Services Offered:
Sessions Conducted:
Offering both In-person and virtual sessions
Susan has been seeing patients for over 30 years. She sees a wide variety of ages and problem as well as couples work. Ages served are young adults to seniors, individual and couples. Problems range from anxiety and depression to a wide variety of cultural adaptation issues and relationship problems. Her approach is grounded in psychoanalytic thinking, but she works with a wide variety of other theories such as CBT and somatic awareness. She believes empathic connections between patient and therapist are at the heart of healing.
Primary Office Location:
37 Glen Rock Road
Little Falls, NJ 07424
Client Focus:
Individuals, Couples, Family
Ages Groups Served:
Adults, Elders (65+)
Name of Therapist:
C. Seth Warren, Ph.D.
Sessions Conducted:
Offering both In-person and virtual sessions
I am a Clinical Psychologist, licensed in New Jersey and New York, primarily in private practice with more than 30 years of full-time clinical experience working with adults and children, couples, and families. In addition to providing psychotherapy services to adults and children, I offer consultation to couples, parents, and families. I also offer individual and group supervision services to psychologists and other mental health professionals both privately and in the context of formal pre- and post-graduate clinical training.
Primary Office Location:
85 Park St.
Suite 1M
Montclair, NJ 07042
Client Focus:
Individuals, Couples, Family
Ages Groups Served:
Children, Adolescents, Adults